
A1 Textbook

• includes an introductory phonetic course, followed by 14 lessons and 200 minutes of audio footage;
• covers 100-120 contact hours (in the classroom);
• fully illustrated, 192 pages, A4 format;
• available as book and e-book (epub);
• teacher’s book available (both print and e-book);
• ISBN 978-3-907154-33-5;
• ISBN e-book: 978-3-907154-08-3.

I love Russian - A1 (beginner)

• includes an introductory phonetic course, followed by 14 lessons and 200 minutes of audio footage;
• covers 100-120 contact hours (in the classroom);
• fully illustrated, 192 pages, A4 format;
• available as book and e-book (epub);
• teacher’s book available (both print and e-book);
• ISBN 978-3-907154-33-5
• ISBN e-book: 978-3-907154-08-3

'I Love Russian A1" is a bright and up-to-date course book, intended for levels from complete beginners to A1+ according to CEFR (120-140 contact hours). 'I Love Russian A1" introduces the language foundations in a communicative manner, through dialogues, visual images, simple texts and infographics. The book has 14 lessons split into 3 modules, and features about 120 minutes of authentic audio material, accessible with QR code at the beginning of every module or via the links at the end of the book. Each module covers all language aspects and is a well balanced and structured mix of phonetics, grammar, drill, and oral skills activation brought together by a daily life conversational topic and a can-do objective. Each module also features a glossary, a self-assessment (can-do criteria), and a revision/progress test section. 
Grammar and lexis are build around and contribute to the language skills used for the following conversational topics:
Greetings and farewells
My Family
Where do I live, study, or work
Countries and cities
What did you do yesterday?
At the restaurant
My usual day
Movies. Music. Theatre
Houses and apartments 
At the University
In the city
Reading Russian literature
A1 teachers book features suggested lesson plans, extra material, insights and ideas for adapting the book material for different learning objectives, age groups, groups sizes, individual tuition etc. It also has the audio scripts, tests keys, and mid-term progress tests (after lessons 1-3, 4-5, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13), end-of-level tests for levels A1 and A1+.
A1 keys book is intended for those using the course book for self studies.